Autumn 2 Homework
Autumn 1 Homework
Year 2 homework will be set every Monday.
Reading books are changed each Monday so please bring your reading packets in then with your Maths Homework book inside.
Additional Information
Practising handwriting at home
Each morning when we come into school we practise our handwriting. Click on the link below to see the cursive handwriting style we do at school. The common exception words are tricky words you should be able to read and spell by the time you have completed Year 2. Try copying these words in your best cursive handwriting.
Home Reading
Please bring reading packets to school each Monday so that we can change home reading books.
Try to read daily with your child. Initially, the reading might be slow and sounding out of some words might be needed. On further reading of the book, pace should improve as should expression.
Questions to ask your child about the book: