Assessment and School Performance
Water Leys is an exciting and fun place to learn and we are very proud to share with you our pupil outcomes. Our latest data shows our outstanding phonic results, consistently high KS1 data and record KS2 data. In fact, you might not realise that we are one of the highest performing schools in the local area.
Well done to all of our pupils for such an amazing set of results (2023/2024)
Year 1 Phonics
Water Leys | National | |
% percentage of pupils who passed the phonic screening at the end of Year 1 | 88% | 80% |
Key Stage 2
% of pupils who achieved the Expected Standard or above at the end of Year 6
Water Leys | National | |
Reading | 78% | 74% |
Writing | 72% | 72% |
Maths | 85% | 73% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) | 77% | 72% |
Combined Reading, Writing and Maths | 63% | 61% |
% of pupils who achieved the higher standard at the end of Year 6
Water Leys | National | |
Reading | 40% | 29% |
Writing | 18% | 13% |
Maths | 25% | 24% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) | 27% | 32% |
Combined Reading, Writing and Maths | 8% | 8% |
Our amazing data is not only due to the hard work the pupils have been doing in English and maths but is also a reflection of our fantastic broad and balanced curriculum, where every subject is valued equally and is carefully sequenced so learning is built up term on term and year on year.
Our ROCKS (Remembering Our Core Knowledge and Skills) carefully map out the precise knowledge, skills and vocabulary that will be taught during each unit for all subjects. Each teaching unit ends with an assessment (end of unit quiz), the results of which help teachers plan the Flashbacks which start lessons to allow pupils to recall the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary from previous learning.