Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Mark Westmoreland
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Michelle Goodwin
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Steve Wright
Our L.A.C. Lead is Mr Westmoreland
Our Attendance Lead is Mr Westmoreland and the attendance support is provided by Miss K Storey
Our Education Welfare Officer is Mrs Paula Rene
Mr Westmoreland is our Anti-bullying lead
Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Faye Jarrams-Royley
Our Anti-Bullying Governor is Mrs Faye Jarrams-Royley
Water Leys Primary School adopts Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass is a set of simple and effective procedures which together enable police forces to efficiently and effectively communicate with the schools attended by children who have been exposed to domestic abuse or other forms of adverse childhood experience.
Keeping children safe in education statutory guidance
Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings can be found here (Addendum April 2020) and here (May 2019).
Working together to safeguard children
Our safeguarding policies can also be found on our policies page.
Water Leys Anti-bullying Statement of intent
Water Leys Primary school believes that all pupils are entitled to learn in a safe and supportive environment; this means being free from all forms of bullying behaviour. This policy outlines how instances of bullying are dealt with, including the procedures to prevent occurrences of bullying. These strategies, such as learning about tolerance and difference as part of the school’s curriculum, aim to promote an inclusive, tolerant, and supportive ethos at the school. Our Jigsaw PSHE Curriculum, in particular encourages an antibullying approach and has specific ‘puzzles’ (units of work) aimed at celebrating difference and diversity that help celebrate diversity, build resilience and challenge thinking. The Education and Inspections Act 2006 outlines several legal obligations regarding the school’s response to bullying. Under section 89, schools must have measures in place to encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils. These measures are part of the school’s Behaviour Policy, which is communicated to all pupils, school staff and parents. All staff, parents and pupils work together to prevent and reduce any instances of bullying at the school. There is a zero-tolerance policy for bullying at our school. Where staff have concerns about the behaviour of other adults they should refer to our Safeguarding Policy and our Low Level Concerns Policy.