
Water Leys

Primary School

Governors Information

Water Leys Primary School Governing Body


The Role of the Governing Board


The Governing Board is made up of volunteers who give their time to support the school's leadership team to raise standards across the school.  They focus on:

1. ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

2. holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

3. overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


In order to do this, governors gain knowledge of how the school operates through attending meetings, reading school documentation, analysing data and engaging in regular visits to the school. The role of the Governing Board is one of oversight and it is not involved in the day to day management of the school. The headteacher role includes the educational performance of the school and operational responsibility lies with them.


At Water Leys the constitution of the Governing Board allows for 14 members, consisting of: 

  • Two parent governors (PAR)
  • One Local Authority governor (LAG)
  • One staff governor (STF)
  • One headteacher (HDT)
  • Nine co-opted governors (COP)


The current members of the Full Governing Board (FGB) are:


GovernorTypeposition of responsibility Appointed byTerm of office


start date


end date

Attendance at FGB (2023/24)
John CrookCOP

Chair of Governors

Link governor for science, pupil premium and well-being



4 years




Gemma McMahonSTF


Staff Governor 

Elected by School Staff4 years


Faye Jarrams-RoyleyCOPChair of Safeguarding Committee



4 years19.09.2318.09.271/3
Alison LeveyCOP

Link governor for maths and music



4 years19.3.2320.3.271/3
Amy O'NeillCOPLink governor for phonics and EYFS



4 years19.11.2218.11.263/3
James SmithCOP

Chair of School Improvement Committee 

Link governor for English 



4 years


Emma SteelPARLink governor for SENDElected by Parents 4 years16.12.2215.12.261/3
Elaine TaylorCOPLink governor for MFL, art and DT



4 years27.10.2226.10.263/3
Devita ThandiPARLink Governor for PE and computing Elected by Parents4 years16.12.2215.12.263/3
Mitesh VaghelaCOP

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of Safeguarding Committee

Link governor for PSHE and RE 



4 years19.11.2218.11.263/3
Mohamed Hamaz Mohamed HazimLA Governing Board4 years1.2.2431.1.282/2
Mark WestmorelandHDTHeadteacherEx officioEx officio01.01.1531.12.243/3



Meetings and Committees


The full governing body sits once per term. The work of the Governing Board is divided between three committees, the membership of which are as follows:


Resources Committee, which covers work relating to HR, Finance and Resources. 

  • Mitesh Vaghela (Chair)
  • John Crook
  • Amy O'Neill
  • Mohamed Hazim


School Improvement Committee, which covers work relating to the effectiveness of the school’s policies and procedures in improving pupil achievement.

  • James Smith (Chair)
  • John Crook
  • Elaine Taylor
  • Alison Levey


Safeguarding and Estates, which covers work relating to the effectiveness of the school’s Safeguarding, Health & Safety and Estates Management procedures.

  • Faye Jarrams-Royley (Chair)
  • John Crook
  • Devita Thandi
  • Emma Steel


The Headteacher at Water Leys Primary School, Mark Westmoreland, is also a governor and attends all governor meetings.

Register of Governors' Business, Pecuniary and Personal Interests 2024-2025



Business, Pecuniary or Personal Interests
John CrookNone
Gemma McMahonNone
Faye Jarrams-RoyleyNone
Alison LeveyNone
Amy O'NeillTrustee of Poplars Pre-school which provides early education and wrap around care at Water Leys.  This interest commenced on the date of appointment to Poplars as a trustee in June 2020. 
James SmithSpouse of a member of the school's support staff. 
Emma SteelNone
Elaine TaylorNone
Devita ThandiNone
Mitesh VaghelaTrustee of Poplars Pre-school which provides early education and wrap around care at Water Leys.  This interest commenced on the date of appointment to Poplars as a trustee in June 2020. 
Mohamed HazimNone
Mark WestmorelandNone






