Below is a list of useful websites, apps and resources to use to help your child with their reading. If your child is using a website or app, please ensure they are supervised to allow them to stay safe online.
Phonics PlayPhonics play has lots of games to help build blending. Although you can create a paid account, there are lots of games that are free to access as well as phonetically decodable comics to practise reading.
Phonics BloomPhonics Bloom has lots of games that your child can play. They also have time trials where your child can test how fast they recognise sounds. Again, although you can make a paid account, there are lots of free things to do and explore.
Top Marks Top Marks have lots of games to help with reading.
BBC BitesizeBitesize have lots of free videos and activities to help support Reading as well as writing, grammar and spelling.
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