SEND is an abbreviation for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Mrs Marshall is the SENCO (Special Needs Co-ordinator) at Water Leys Primary School. Mrs Marshall is also a class teacher alongside her SENCO role. As a first port of call, you should always speak to your child's class teacher.
Mrs Marshall can be contacted via the office on 0116 288 4135 or via email:
As a parent, looking around Water Leys Primary School trying to choose a school for my own child, I was won over by the inclusive, welcoming atmosphere of the school and its staff. Now I am working here, I am proud that our whole school community is exactly that: inclusive and welcoming! Our aims for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are the same as for all of our pupils: to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum, full participation in school life and the highest quality of education. As we are each different, children are different too and we understand the importance of making adjustments and building a picture based on the whole child.
Have a look around this page and if you have any questions, feel free to contact the school office or drop me an email at the above address.
Supporting Parents and Carers
Having a child with additional needs can be isolating and difficult. One of our parents has organised a social parents and carers support group. Keep an eye out on Weduc for Water Leys SEND chat for all parents or carers who have a child/children with special educational needs or disabilities. No diagnosis is required. It is an opportunity to get to know each other and share our knowledge to best support our children. They happen after school drop off about once a half term in the community kitchen.